In 2015, visitors to New Orleans spent $7.05 billion dollars, a 3.5 percent increase compared to the visitor spending record set in 2014, and the city hosted 9.78 million visitors, a 2.7 percent increase compared to 2014.
The 2015 New Orleans Area Visitor Profile study, completed by the University of New Orleans (UNO) Hospitality Research Center for the New Orleans Convention and Visitors Bureau (CVB) and New Orleans Tourism Marketing Corporation (NOTMC) shows increases in both spending and visitation since Hurricane Katrina.
The survey showed that overnight visitors to the New Orleans area who stayed in hotels spent an average of $1,011 per person, per trip in 2015. Visitors stayed for an average of 4.2 nights and spent an average of $238 per person, per day.
“We are in a strong tourism growth curve stimulated by new investment in expanded marketing and sales fueling our fiercely competitive battle to draw leisure visitors, conventions and major special events. We are not only attracting more visitors, but more quality visitors, as evidenced by the solid increase in visitor spending to record levels. And with our state facing massive budget deficits and recession in a number of our traditional economic sectors, our greater New Orleans tourism industry is firmly entrenched as the state leader in job creation, state and local tax generation, and as the rapidly expanding catalyst for strong economic growth and opportunity that benefits every other business sector and the quality of life and state services for every Louisianan,” said Stephen Perry, president and CEO of the New Orleans Convention and Visitors Bureau.
One example of the NOCVB’s strategy of attracting quality visitors is hosting IPW in June of this year. IPW is the travel industry’s premier international marketplace and the largest generator of travel to the U.S. Between June 18–22, more than 1,000 U.S. travel organizations from every region of the USA (representing all industry category components), and more than 1,300 international and domestic buyers and 500 travel journalists from more than 70 countries will visit New Orleans to conduct business negotiations that result in the generation of more than $4.7 billion in future travel to the U.S. New Orleans expects to see an increase in international visitation for the next three years after hosting IPW this year. The international visitors that the NOCVB is appealing to are known to stay longer and spend more money.
In 2004, New Orleans welcomed 10.1 million visitors, who spent $4.9 billion. In 2006, after Hurricane Katrina, visitor numbers dropped to 3.7 million, with $2.9 billion in visitor spending. Due to the efforts of the New Orleans CVB and the NOTMC, visitor numbers have steadily increased, but more importantly, visitor spending has more than doubled since Katrina. Since 2010, visitation spending in New Orleans has increased by nearly 33 percent.
The UNO research for 2015 showed that the cumulative 3.5 percent increase in spending activity was felt in all categories:
The peak period for visiting New Orleans in 2015 was the second quarter, which can be related to Jazz Fest, French Quarter Fest and conventions. The primary purpose of their visit remained similar to what it has been over the last five years:
The 2015 New Orleans Area Visitor Profile report also found: