
A Virtual Melting Pot By

You cannot provide a safe, inclusive space without honoring the lingual needs of the presenters and audiences.

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Defining ADAJune 18, 2024
What You Need to Know About the Americans with Disabilities Act By

Corporate meeting and event professionals must educate themselves on the needs of people with disabilities, and the laws governing inclusion, most notably the Americans with Disabilities Act [ADA].

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Speaker TrendsJune 18, 2024
Innovative Speakers Impacting Events By

As economic, cultural and technological issues continue to impact who makes it onto the podium at meeting and events, speakers will be asked to help with pre-event promotion and focus on impactful storytelling.

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Tech ToolsJune 17, 2024
Using AI’s Facial Analysis for Attendee Engagement at Events By

In a world where events strive for heightened attendee engagement, facial analysis technology has emerged as a game-changer.

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Turning ‘Late Arrivals’ Into ‘Early Birds’ By

Regardless of the reasons why attendees and sponsors are registering late, the basic requirements for hosting an event have all risen.

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CVB ShowcaseMay 6, 2024
Meet the CVBs Elevating Events By

Across the nation, optimism and opportunities abound for 2024 and beyond, and you can leverage that wherever you decide to meet.

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Mountain MagicMay 6, 2024
Harnessing Nature’s Power & Beauty to Inspire Attendees By

Renewal of body and mind can help facilitate attendee connections, cohesion and productivity, and there’s no better setting for that than America’s inspiring mountains.

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Target ROIMay 6, 2024
Getting the Most Return Out of Today’s Events By

In today’s corporate businesses, all capital expenditures must be connected to some kind of target ROI.

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Business EthicsMay 6, 2024
Transparency in the Meetings Industry By

From vendor selection to environmental impacts to data privacy, there are a myriad of ethical dilemmas that meeting planners may encounter throughout the event planning process.

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How Millennials Are Redefining, Redesigning Events By

As the millennial generation gains strength in numbers in the workforce, their needs and wants are shaping the meetings and event industry.

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